Calanthe Tyneville with impressive flowers


calanthe tyneville by eike jauch

For all those who are lovers of preptanthe Calanthe Tyneville is a must. The flower spike has a lenght of more than 100 cm. Many beautyful flowers open one after the other, and they are really worth to be looked at. The flowers are significantly bigger than those of Calanthe vestita and the anthocyane colour is of an intensive depth. Due to the lenght of the inflorence this should be tied to a bent flower stick.

Calanthe Tyneville was registered with the RHS by the Eric Young Orchid Foundation in 2016. It was bred using Calanthe Baron Schröder and Calanthe Viktoria Regina. Calanthe Baron Schröder is a pretty old hybrid registred in 1894 by Veitch. Its parentage are Calanthe vestita and Calanthe x vestita var. gigantea, a registered natural hybrid. Calanthe Viktoria is the offspring of Calanthe rosea and Calanthe Veitchii. Finally Calanthe Veitchii is obtained by hybridizing Calanthe rosea and Calanthe vestita.



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