Phaius and Calanthe of Sikkim-Himalaya

The Orchids of the Sikkim-Himalaya by Naresh Swami is a rich source of pictures documentating the occurance of certain orchid species in Sikkim-Himalaya. Sikkim borders Tibet in the North, Bhutan in the East, Nepal in the West and West Bengal in the South. Sikkim is part of the Eastern Himalaya and includes alpine and subtropical climates. Beside the Calanthe and Phaius species listed below, orchids like Dendrobium nobile, Epipactis helleborine, Coelogyne cristata, Goodyera schlechtendaliana, Goodyera repens, Anoectochilus roxburghii and Thunia alba can be found in Sikkim.

Only two Phaius species were recorded so far by Naresh Swami:

Phaius flavus and Phaius mishmensis.

Phaius flavus by Eike Jauch

Phaius maculatus

20180922 Phaius mishmensis

Phaius mishmensis

Note added 22.04.2020:

The orchids of the Sikkim Himalaya

In the original work “The orchids of the Sikkim-Himalaya, Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, 1898, v. 8, pt. 1-4” following Phaius are listed:

Phaius nanus (as Phajus nanus)

Phaius nanus

Phaius wallichii (as Phajus wallichii)

Phaius wallichii 'Jacky' by Eike Jauch

Phaius wallichii

Phaius tankervilleae (as Phajus wallichii var. assamica / Phaius blumei var pulchra)

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

Phaius tankervilleae

For me it was especially interesting to learn which Calanthe species were recorded from Sikkim-Himalaya. Here is a list of 11 species recorded by by Naresh Swami, that still might be incomplete according to the original publication:

Calanthe masuca

Calanthe masuca by Eike Jauch

Calanthe masuca

Calanthe herbacea

Calanthe brevicornu

Calanthe brevicornu

Calanthe alpina

Calanthe biloba

Calanthe yuksomnensis (not mentioned in “The orchids of the Sikkim-Himalaya”)

Calanthe puberula

Calanthe puberula

Calanthe trulliformis

Calanthe trulliformis

Calanthe griffithii (not mentioned in “The orchids of the Sikkim-Himalaya”)

Calanthe mannii

Calanthe mannii

Calanthe tricarinata

Calanthe tricarinata by Eike Jauch

Calanthe tricarinata

Note added 22.04.2020:

These additional Calanthe species were pubished in Orchids of Sikkim-Himalaya:

Calanthe gracilis

Calanthe gracilis

Calanthe alismaefolia

Calanthe alismaefolia by Eike Jauch

Calanthe alismaefolia Kopie

Calanthe angusta

Calanthe angusto

Calanthe chloroleuca

Calanthe chlioroleuca

Calanthe whiteana

Calanthe whiteana

Calanthe densiflora

Calanthe densiflora


Orchideen Zauber: An article about Phaius tankervilleae and Phaius wallichii

In the recent issue 3/2020 of OrchideenZauber, a german orchid journal, Dr. Jürgen Schmidt kindly published our article about Phaius tankervilleae and Phaius wallichii. OrchideenZauber is a magazine with a focus on orchids. The content is mainly about the culture of tropical plants, including non-orchids, such as bromeliads, but occasionally also native or carnivorous plants. Care and culture of orchids, but also of other fascinating plants with comparable claims, appeal to every nature lover. Whether common or rare orchids, whether airplants or the unusal carnivorous pitcher plants – such topics are presented in content and impressive photos. Interested in reading OrchideenZauber? Contact the editor

I have linked my homepage to the homepage of OrchideenZauber. Please check the Links Page at the top.

Phaius Artikel S1Phaius Artikel S2Phaius Artikel S3Phaius Artikel S4Phaius Artikel S5Phaius Artikel S6Phaius Artikel S7Phaius Artikel S8

Seedlings of Phaius flavus forma album

Phaius flavus fma album seedlings by Eike Jauch

For me it is the queen of all Phaius: Phaius flavus forma album. I was lucky to get some seedlings of this amazing colour form of Phaius flavus, these are shown in above picture. Already the very young seedlings show the spotted leave pattern which contributes to the beauty of this plant. Attractive even when not flowering! Just have a look at the flowering plant below. This great picture was taken by Chu Xuan Canh, and he allowed me to show the picture to you. Thanks! Phaius flavus forma album is reported to occur in Vietnam and East Java. Should it therefore be treated as a variety?

Phaius flavus fma album by Chu Xuan Canh Kopie

Phaius mishmensis in its natural habitat


Phaius mishmensis by Chu Xuan Canh Kopie

Phaius mishmensis is a well known species and one of the Phaius that are sometimes available for European orchid lovers. It needs cool to medium temperatures to thrive well. The first picture taken by Chu Xuan Canh, a vietnamese orchid lover and orchid photographer, shows Phaius mishmensis in its natural habitat. On the the second picture you can see a closeup view of the amazing beautyful flowers. Isn’t that pink colour great? And what about the the yellow of the spur?

20180922 Phaius mishmensis

Phaius longicornu pictures taken by Chu Xuan Canh

Phaius longicornu 1 by Chu Xuan Canh

Chu Xuan Canh from Hanoi took some great pictures of Phaius longicornu. According to Chu Xuan Canh they grow in the forests of the northern part of Vietnam. They are not very abundant, but can be found from time to time. I asked him to share his pictures with me, and he said yes!

Phaius longicornu 2 by Chu Xuan Canh

Thanks a lot, Canh! Not many people have the luck to see this Phaius in free nature.


New Phaius records from the Philippines

At facebook you can find “Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines”, which is a rich resource of plant pictures. I spent hours to screen the database and found some entries about Phaius species that are really interesting:

28th June 2018 Clint Michael Cleofe posted pictures of a terrestrial orchid he assumed to be an Ania species that he found at San Isidro, Davao Oriental, Mindanao. Jim Cootes, an orchid specialist, identified the plant as Phaius reflexipetalus J.J. Wood & Shim 1994 and remarked: “A new locality record for the Philippines. Previously only thought to occur on Mount Kinabalu in Borneo.”

24th December 2016 Pieter Pelser posted pictures of a Phaius species found in Cebu, Central Visayas region. This Phaius well might be Phaius reflexipetalus, too.

Note added 28.01.2022: In the meantime these results were published:

1st May 2019 Duke Rudolph posted pics of a Phaius species that neither fit to Phaius philippinensis nor to Phaius callosus. A comparison with published pics in Lady Tankeville’s Legacy make it likeley that the documented Phaius is Phaius cooperi Rolfe 1910. This species is thought to be endemic to Sulawesi.

5th May 2013, Pieter Pelser showed the same plant, which was found in Aurora, Central Luzon, Luzon.

22nd June 2018 Duke Rudolph posted pics of a novel Phaius species he found on Mount Isarog that was supposed to be Phaius pubilabius.

Note added 28.01.2022: It well might be that Phaius pubilabius is identical to Phaius lyonii.

Already known species from the Philippines include:

Phaius stenocentron by Eike Jauch

Phaius antoninae 1 by Eike Jauch

Phaius flavus by Eike Jauch

Phaius philippinensis by Eike Jauch 13072019

20180922 Phaius mishmensis

Note added 17.04.2020: It is doubtful wether Phaius mishmensis is really distributed on the Philippines, too. In Lady Tankerville’s Legacy there is a note on page 169: Recorded from the Philippines but without provenance. Jim Cootes is well known in the world of Philippine orchid species and has never come across Phaius mishmensis.

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

Further reading:

Eine Rarität von den Philippinen: Phaius antoninae blüht!

Phaius antoninae growing in New Caledonia?

Robbie Graham from Waitahanui, New Zealand, made pics of a Phaius species he found in New Caledonia 4th October 2013. From memory it was on the coast road south east of Tchamba. It was spotted from the car, which is not a big surprise given the size of the flower spike that can reach a hight of up to 150 cm. He posted these pics at facebook were I came across them, and as he kindly gave me the permission to use the pics in my blog I now can show them to you:


There is something striking about this Phaius: It is obviously a Phaius tankervilleae, but it resembles very much Phaius tankervilleae var. antoninae. This variety was first described by P. Balzer [Orchideen J. 2,2:62 (20119] as Phaius antoninae and was thought to be a new species endemic to the Philippines. P.J. Cribb and J. Stone reduced Phaius antoninae to varietal status Phaius tankervillea var. antoninae. I obtained this Phaius from Georg Hampel from the Philippines and grow it at my place for some 2 years now. It is a self-pollinating variety, therefore most of the flowers never really open but start withering at a very early point of time.


Read more about this variety:


Orchids imported from China

Last two days were a kind of double Christmas to me. I obtained two parcles of plants that were imported from China. Two Phaius species were included in this import, on the one hand a Phaius tonkinensis, on the other hand Phaius wenshanensis. It is much to early to claim that all plants will survive, but at least there is now a chance to establish the orchids.

Phaius wenshanensis, never thought I could get hold of this species! A really great Limatodes, but I have to wait for first flowers until I can be really happy.

Phaius wenshanensis by Chu Xuan Canh(Picture by Chu Xuan Canh)

Calanthe delavayi, another hard to get species, has a third chance to establish itself in my place. So far I failed to establish this species, although our climate close to the alps should be a good one for Calanthe delavayi.

Phaius tonkinensis by Eike Jauch 1

Die letzten zwei Tage waren für mich eine Art doppeltes Weihnachtsfest. Ich habe zwei Pakete mit Pflanzen erhalten, die aus China importiert wurden. Mit bei diesem Import dabei waren zwei Phaius-Arten, einerseits eine Phaius tonkinensis, andererseits Phaius wenshanensis. Es ist viel zu früh zu behaupten, dass alle Pflanzen überleben werden, aber zumindest besteht jetzt die Möglichkeit, die Orchideen zu etablieren.

Phaius wenshanensis, hätte nie gedacht, dass ich diese Art in meine Finger bekommen könnte! Eine wirklich großartige Limatodes, aber ich muss auf die ersten Blüten warten, bis ich wirklich glücklich sein kann.

Calanthe delavayi, eine andere schwer zu beschaffende Art, hat nun eine dritte Chance, sich bei uns zu etablieren. Bisher konnte ich diese Art nicht etablieren, obwohl unser Klima im Alpenvorland für Calanthe delavayi gut sein sollte.

Phaius wenshanensis by Eike Jauch

Os últimos dois dias foram uma espécie de Natal duplo para mim. Recebi dois pacotes de plantas importadas da China. Com essa importação, duas espécies de Phaius, por um lado, Phaius tonkinensis, por outro, Phaius wenshanensis. É muito cedo para dizer que todas as plantas sobreviverão, mas pelo menos agora há uma chance de estabelecer as orquídeas.

Phaius wenshanensis, nunca pensei que um dia teria essa espécie em minhas mãos! Um ótimo Limatodes, mas tenho que esperar pelas primeiras flores para eu realmente ficar feliz.

Calanthe delavayi, outra espécie difícil de se encontrar, tem uma terceira chance de se estabelecer conosco. Até agora não consegui estabelecer essa espécie, embora nosso clima na região dos Alpes deveria ser bom para Calanthe delavayi.

An overview about chinese Phaius you can find here on my blog:

Colour varieties of Preptanthe rubens

Preptanthe rubens (Calanthe rubens) is quite variable in colouration of its flowers – as is Preptanthe vestita. I was lucky to assemble a small collection of Preptanthe rubens varieties.

Preptanthe rubens fma album has smaller flowers than the other two shown varieties. The variety shown in the middle picture resembles most to Preptanthe vestita, but the difference of the two species is obvious when we have a look at the pseudobulbs. These resemble in shape that of an egg clock, while the pseudobulbs of Preptanthe vestita do not show a constriction.

Calanthe rubens 3 klein

Preptanthe rubens (Calanthe rubens) ist sehr variabel in der Färbung ihrer Blüten – ebenso wie Preptanthe vestita. Ich hatte das Glück, eine kleine Sammlung von verschiedenen Preptanthe rubens Sorten zusammenzustellen.


Preptanthe rubens fma album hat kleinere Blüten als die beiden anderen gezeigten Sorten. Die im mittleren Bild gezeigte Sorte ähnelt am meisten Preptanthe vestita, aber der Unterschied zwischen den beiden Arten ist offensichtlich, wenn wir uns die Pseudobulben ansehen. Diese ähneln in ihrer Form einer Eieruhr, während die Pseudobulben von Preptanthe vestita keine Verengung aufweisen.

Calanthe rubens helle Form klein by Eike Jauch

Preptanthe rubens (Calanthe rubens) é muito variável na coloração de suas flores – assim como Preptanthe vestita. Tive a sorte de reunir uma pequena coleção de Preptanthe rubens.

Preptanthe rubens fma album tem flores menores que as outras duas variedades mostradas. A variedade mostrada na figura do meio é mais semelhante à Preptanthe vestita, mas a diferença entre as duas espécies é óbvia quando olhamos para os pseudobulbos. Elas se assemelham a uma ampulheta, enquanto os pseudobulbos do Preptanthe vestita não mostram estreitamento.

Preptamthe rubens fms album klein

Read more about Preptanthe in my blog:

Naming orchids by the RHS

Recently I contacted Peter Shaw from the Royal Horticultural Society to ask him questions about naming of orchids.

1.) How is the offspring of hybrid orchids called, that have been obtained by selfing the hybrid? For example Calanthe Baron Schröder x Calanthe Baron Schröder.

Calanthe Baron Schröder

The seedlings will retain the same grex name. If there is phenotypic segregation amongst the seedlings, the variants can either be named as a cultivar (clonal offspring of an individual seedling) or as group (cluster of seedlings with a character or set of characters in common). A cultivar or a group name has to be established by a description.

2.) Can reciprocal crosses be registered seperately? For example, Phaius Morningstar was registered as a hybrid of seed parent Phaius mishmensis and pollen parent Phaius tankervillea.

Phaius Morningstar by Eike Jauch

Is it possible to register a hybrid made by crossing seed parent Phaius tankervillea and pollen parent Phaius mishmensis? The answer was clear, reciprocal crosses cannot be registered separately.

Kürzlich habe ich Peter Shaw von der Royal Horticultural Society kontaktiert, um ihm Fragen zur Benennung von Orchideen zu stellen.

1.) Wie heißt der Nachwuchs von Hybridorchideen, der durch Selbstbefruchtung der Hybride erhalten wurden? Zum Beispiel Calanthe Baron Schröder x Calanthe Baron Schröder.

Die Sämlinge behalten den gleichen Grex-Namen, in diesem Fall also Baron Schröder. Wenn es eine phänotypische Aufspaltung unter den Sämlingen gibt, können die Varianten entweder als Sorte (klonale Nachkommen eines einzelnen Sämlings) oder als Gruppe (Gruppe von Sämlingen mit einem gemeinsamen Charakter oder einer Reihe gemeinsamer Charaktere) bezeichnet werden. Eine Sorte oder ein Gruppenname muss durch eine Beschreibung festgelegt werden.

2.) Können reziproke Kreuzungen separat registriert werden? Zum Beispiel wurde Phaius Morningstar als Hybride aus Phaius mishmensis (Mutterpflanze) und Phaius tankervillea (Vaterpflanze) registriert. Ist es möglich, eine Hybride zu registrieren, die durch Kreuzung von Phaius tankervillea (Mutterpflanze) und Phaius mishmensis (Vaterpflanze) hergestellt wurde? Die Antwort war klar, reziproke Kreuzungen können nicht separat registriert werden.

Recentemente, entrei em contato com Peter Shaw, da Royal Horticultural Society, para perguntar sobre como nomear orquídeas.

1.) Qual é o nome dos filhos de orquídeas híbridas que foram obtidas por autofertilização dos híbridos? Por exemplo, Calanthe Baron Schröder x Calanthe Baron Schröder.

As mudas mantêm o mesmo nome de Grex, neste caso Barão Schröder. Se houver uma divisão fenotípica entre as mudas, as variantes podem ser referidas como uma variedade (descendentes clonais de uma única muda) ou como um grupo (grupo de mudas com um caráter comum ou uma série de caracteres comuns). Uma variedade ou um nome de grupo deve ser especificado por uma descrição.

2.) As travessias recíprocas podem ser registradas separadamente? Por exemplo, Phaius Morningstar foi registrado como um híbrido de Phaius mishmensis (planta mãe) e Phaius tankervillea (planta pai). É possível registrar um híbrido produzido através do cruzamento de Phaius tankervillea (planta mãe) e Phaius mishmensis (planta pai)? A resposta foi clara: cruzamentos recíprocos não podem ser registrados separadamente.

A small and a big flowering cultivar of Calanthe vestita var. luteo-oculata?

Calanthe vestita var luteo oculata klein und groß

I was surpised myself to which extent the flower size of two Calanthe vestita var. luteo-oculata shall differ from each other. I therefore took a picture to show you the two “cultivars” I bought as Calanthe vestita in direct comparison. Nice to see is that the eye-spot in both “cultivars” is well defined, the colour in the big flowering “cultivar” being more intense than in the small flowering “cultivar”.

There is one thing that irritates me – this is the form of the pseudobulbs of the above shown plants. Maybe the smaller flowers belong to Calanthe rubens fma album? Consistent with this is th observation that the small flowering Calanthe has egg clock-shaped pseudobulbs, the large flowering Calanthe not.

Ich war selbst überrascht, wie sehr sich die Blütengröße von zwei Calanthe vestita var. luteo-oculata sich voneinander unterscheiden soll. Ich habe daher ein Foto gemacht, um Ihnen die beiden “Sorten” im direkten Vergleich zu zeigen, die ich als Calanthe vestita gekauft habe. Schön zu sehen ist, dass der Augenfleck in beiden “Sorten” gut definiert ist, wobei die Farbe in der groß blühenden “Sorte” intensiver ist als in der klein blühenden “Sorte”.

Es gab da eine Sache, die mich von Anfang an irritierte – dies ist die Form der Pseudobulben der oben gezeigten Pflanzen. Vielleicht gehören die kleineren Blüten zu Calanthe rubens fma album? In Übereinstimmung damit ist die Beobachtung, dass die klein blühende Calanthe eiförmige Pseudobulben hat, die groß blühende Calanthe nicht.

Read more about Preptanthe in my blog:

Acanthephippium gougahensis ? Or Acanthephippium sylhetense Lindl.?

Acanthephippium gougahensis by Eike Jauch

This is indeed a special relativ of Phaius. Acanthephippium gougahensis (Guillaumin) Seidenf 1975 (Acanthophippium gougahensis). This is at least what the label tells that was given to the orchid by the orchid nursery that sold the plant to me.  It likes to grow under warmer conditions and fascinates with its strange flowers. I keep it rather shady and keep the substrate moist.

Note added 18.04.2020: In the meantime I am convinced that above shown species is Acanthephippium sylhetense Lindl. Acanthephippium gougahensis shows a striped pattern that I did not see in my plant.

Dies ist in der Tat eine spezielle Verwandte von Phaius. Acanthephippium gougahensis (Guillaumin) Seidenf 1975 (Acanthophippium gougahensis). Dieser Name steht jedenfalls auf dem Namensetikett der Gärtnerei, die mir diese Orchidee verkauft hat. Sie wächst gerne unter wärmeren Bedingungen und fasziniert mit ihren seltsamen Blüten. Ich halte diese Erdorchidee ziemlich schattig und halte das Substrat feucht.

Phaius tonkinensis with two inflorescences

Phaius tonkinensis by Eike Jauch 1

This year is the first time that my Phaius tonkinenis is flowering with two inflorescences on one shot. One after the other more than 11 of above shown flowers will open. I enjoy the composition of white, pink and yellow each time Phaius tonkinensis is flowering.

Phaius tonkinensis by Eike Jauch 2

Dieses Jahr blüht meine Phaius tonkinenis zum ersten Mal mit zwei Blütenständen an einem Sproß auf einmal. Nacheinander öffnen sich mehr als 11 der oben gezeigten Blüten. Ich mag deren Zusammensetzung aus Weiß, Rosa und Gelb jedes Mal aufs Neue, wenn Phaius tonkinensis blüht.

Find more information about Phaius tonkinensis under:


Calanthe striata

Calanthe striata by Eike Jauch

Calanthe striata belongs to the section Vernae of the genus Calanthe. Leaves are annual, inflorescence developes with the new leaves. Calanthe striata can be found in China, Japan and Korea. It is a terrestrial orchid that grows in the lowland and in lower montane forests. Personally, I prefer the name Calanthe sieboldii, but Calanthe striata is the correct name. One thing is outstanding: the odor of Calanthe striata is very close to the odor of lemon grass … absolutely fantastic.

Calanthe striata gehört zur Sektion Vernae der Gattung Calanthe. Die Blätter sind einjährig, der Blütenstand entwickelt sich mit den neuen Blättern. Calanthe striata kommt in China, Japan und Korea vor. Sie ist eine terrestrische Orchidee, die im Tiefland und in niederen Bergwäldern wächst. Persönlich bevorzuge ich den synonymen Namen Calanthe sieboldii, aber Calanthe striata ist der richtige Name. Eines ist hervorragend: Der Geruch von Calanthe striata kommt dem Geruch von Zitronengras sehr nahe … absolut fantastisch.

A novel hybrid of Calanthe striata: what an odour!

Cal striata x Kozu red by Eike Jauch

I have to admit that I am not the biggest fan of so called winter hardy Calanthe. BUT this hybrid is defenitely an absolute highlight. I got the plant from Great Britan as a hybrid of Calanthe stirata x Calanthe Kozu ‘Red’. The odour of this hybrid is absolutely fantastic, I was completely astonished about what I smelled when the first flowers opened. If you can get it: Go and get it!

Cal striata x Kozu red 2 by Eike Jauch

Ich muss zugeben, dass ich nicht der größte Fan des sogenannten winterharten Calanthen bin. ABER diese Hybride ist definitiv ein absolutes Highlight. Ich habe die Pflanze aus Großbritannien als Hybride aus Calanthe stirata x Calanthe Kozu ‘Red’ bekommen. Der Geruch dieser Hybride ist absolut fantastisch. Ich war völlig erstaunt darüber, was ich roch, als sich die ersten Blüten öffneten. Wenn Sie sie bekommen können: Gehen Sie und holen Sie sie!

Calanthe vestita var. luteo-oculata?

Calanthe vestita var luteo oculata 1

This variety of Calanthe vestita has rather small flowers, but is nevertheless a beautyful Preptanthe. It does not grow as big as other varieties of Calanthe vestita and therefore can be easily cultivated on the windowsill. Calanthe vestita var. luteo-oculata seems to be unable to produce anthocyanins and only displays carotinoid pigments in its flower. Flowers are approximately 2,5 cm wide and 3 cm high.

Note added 29.03.2020: In the meantime I am convinced that the shown plant is a Calanthe rubens fma album. The bulbs have the shape of an egg clock, a characteristic seen in Calanthe rubens but not in Calanthe vestita.

Calanthe vestita var luteo oculata 2

Diese Calanthe vestita Sorte hat eher kleine Blüten, ist aber dennoch eine schöne Preptanthe. Sie wächst nicht so groß wie andere Sorten von Calanthe vestita und kann daher leicht auf der Fensterbank kultiviert werden. Calanthe vestita var. luteo-oculata scheint nicht in der Lage zu sein, Anthocyane zu produzieren und zeigt nur Carotinoidpigmente in ihrer Blüte. Die Blüten sind ca. 2,5 cm breit und 3 cm hoch.

Anmerkung hinzugefügt 29.03.2020: In der Zwischenzeit bin ich überzeugt, dass die gezeigte Pflanze ein Calanthe rubens fma album ist. Die Pseudobulben haben die Form einer Eieruhr, eine Eigenschaft, die bei Calanthe rubens, aber nicht bei Calanthe vestita zu sehen ist.

Read more about Preptanthe in my blog:

Calanthe Baron Schröder Superstar

Calanthe Baron Schröder

Amongst the registered Calanthe (Preptanthe-) hybrids Calanthe Baron Schröder is one of the most impressive … especially with regard to flower size. With a widht of 5 cm and a hight of 6 cm Calanthe Baron Schröder really is an eyecatcher. Calanthe Baron Schröder was RHS-registered in 1894 by Veitch. The origin of this hybrid is a little bit mystic. A closer look at the genealogical tree of this Calanthe makes it likely that Calanthe Baron Schröder is not a hybrid, but a size and colour selected variety of Calanthe vestita: Parental plants are Calanthe regnieri which is a synonym of Calanthe vestita and Calanthe vestita var. gigantea Will. The latter was also called Calanthe vestita var. grandiflora Lindl. Wether the latter is a natural hybrid or not remains in darkness of orchid breeding history.

Calanthe Baron Schröder 2

Unter den registrierten Calanthe (Preptanthe-) Hybriden ist Calanthe Baron Schröder eine der beeindruckendsten … besonders in Bezug auf die Blütengröße. Mit einer Breite von 5 cm und einer Höhe von 6 cm ist Calanthe Baron Schröder wirklich ein Hingucker. Calanthe Baron Schröder wurde 1894 von Veitch RHS-registriert. Der Ursprung dieser Hybride ist ein bisschen mysteriös. Ein genauerer Blick auf den Stammbaum dieser Calanthe macht es wahrscheinlich, dass Calanthe Baron Schröder keine Hybride ist, sondern eine in Größe und Farbe ausgewählte Sorte von Calanthe vestita: Elternpflanzen sind Calanthe regnieri, ein Synonym für Calanthe vestita und Calanthe vestita var. gigantea Will. Letzteres wurde auch Calanthe vestita var grandiflora Lindl genannt. Ob letztere eine natürliche Hybride ist oder nicht, bleibt in der Dunkelheit der Orchideenzuchtgeschichte verborgen.

Read more about Preptanthe in my blog:

Tainia penangiana, a member of the tribe Collabieae

Tainia penangiana by Eike Jauch

Within the subfamily Epidendroideae there are several tribes, one of which is Collabieae. The tribe Collabieae consists of 19 genera, amongst them Tainia, but also Phaius, Gastrorchis and Calanthe. This is the reason why I include the genus Tainia in this blog.

Within Tainia, there are about 30 species known, only a few of which are frequently in culture. Among them are Tainia penangiana Hook. f. 1890 and Tainia hookeriana King & Pantl. 1895. These two are often considerd to be conspecific.

They are cultivated like Preptanthe: As long as they show active growth they like substrate that does not fall dry and they need plenty fertilizer. When they enter their rest period, they drop their leaves and should be kept rather dry. Direct sunlight should be avoided.

Innerhalb der Unterfamilie Epidendroideae gibt es mehrere Stämme, von denen einer Collabieae ist. Der Stamm der Collabieae besteht aus 19 Gattungen, darunter Tainia, aber auch Phaius, Gastrorchis und Calanthe. Dies ist der Grund, warum ich die Gattung Tainia in diesen Blog aufnehme.

Tainia umfasst etwa 30 Arten, von denen nur wenige häufig in Kultur vorkommen. Unter ihnen sind Tainia penangiana Hook. f. 1890 und Tainia hookeriana King & Pantl. 1895. Diese beiden werden oft als dir gleiche Art angesehen.

Sie werden wie Preptanthe kultiviert: Solange sie ein aktives Wachstum zeigen, mögen sie Substrate, die nicht trocken fallen und viel Dünger benötigen. Wenn sie in ihre Ruhezeit eintreten, lassen sie ihre Blätter fallen und sollten eher trocken gehalten werden. Direkte Sonneneinstrahlung sollte vermieden werden.