The beautiful flowers of Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’.

The foliage of Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’ is not really spectacular. It is therefore a jewel orchid that is not necessarily found in every collection. However, once you have seen its magnificent flowers, you will probably think differently about this jewel orchid. The flowers are almost as large as those of Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’, but impress with the yellowing of the fringed lip appendages. Pictures by Macodes Jewel Orchids Carlise Jauch

Le feuillage de l’Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’ n’est pas vraiment spectaculaire. Il s’agit donc d’une orchidée bijou que l’on ne retrouve pas forcément dans toutes les collections. Cependant, une fois que vous aurez vu ses magnifiques fleurs, vous penserez probablement différemment de cette orchidée bijou. Les fleurs sont presque aussi grandes que celles d‘Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’, mais elles impressionnent par le jaunissement des appendices labiaux frangés. Photos de Macodes Jewel Orchids Carlise Jauch

El follaje de la Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’ no es realmente espectacular. Por lo tanto, es una orquídea joya que no se encuentra necesariamente en todas las colecciones. Sin embargo, una vez que haya visto sus magníficas flores, probablemente pensará de forma diferente sobre esta orquídea joya. Las flores son casi tan grandes como las de la Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’, pero impresionan por el amarilleo de los apéndices labiales con flecos. Fotos de Macodes Jewel Orchids Carlise Jauch

Il fogliame di Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’ non è davvero spettacolare. Si tratta quindi di un’orchidea gioiello che non si trova necessariamente in tutte le collezioni. Tuttavia, una volta visti i suoi magnifici fiori, probabilmente penserete in modo diverso a questa orchidea gioiello. I fiori sono grandi quasi quanto quelli di Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’, ma colpiscono per l’ingiallimento delle appendici labiali sfrangiate. Immagini di Macodes Jewel Orchids Carlise Jauch

30 of our gems that you can cultivate

Please check our shops. We frequently add more new varieties to our assortment. Below a list of all 30 varieties Macodes Jewel Orchids Carlise Jauch offers in the moment:

Platythelis maculata ‘Spotlight’

Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’ 

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Dreamcatcher’

Goodyera maliponensis ‘Yellow Sea’ 

Anoectochilus lylei ‘Shy Deer’ 

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‚Belissima’

Goodyera pusilla ‘Dreaming Track’

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Salmon Dream’

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Golden Fleece’

Anoectochilus lylei ‘Marshmallow’

Anoectochilus ‘Kossia’

Anoectochilus chapaensis ‘Alberich’ 

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‚Firebird’

Ludisa discolor ‚Spiderman’

Dossinodes ‘Charlot Teng’

Goodyera viridiflora ‘Surprise’

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Silver Mine’

Anoectochilus brevilabris ‘White Veil’ 

Anoectochilus siamensis ‘Broadway’

Macodes sanderiana ‘Fruit Salad’

Ludisia discolor ‘Dawsonia’

Macodes petola ‘Exotic Jungle’

Anoectochilus siamensis ‘White Trace’

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‚Regenbogenforelle’

Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’

Macodes petola ‚Malachit’

Ludisia discolor ‘Silvergreen’ 

Ludochilus Lacewing ‘Golden Ludisia’

Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’

Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Esperança’

Don’t miss: Orchid World Dresden 2023

We are very happy that the days of closed doors are over. Are you visiting the International Orchid World Dresden 2023? If so, maybe we’ll see each other!

Jewel orchids also have a few surprises in store with their flowers. As is so often the case, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What do you say?

So feel free to take the time to take a closer look at the flowers of your jewel orchids – it’s worth it!

Jewel Orchids in 2023

Unfortunately we could not import any new jewel orchids in 2022. Air freight had simply become too expensive in times of Corona. But we can already say with some certainty that we will be able to offer some new jewel orchids in 2023. The import of new varieties now seems possible again, which will hopefully allow us to broaden our range of jewel orchids even further. We would like to thank everyone who has remained loyal to us in 2022, both within Germany and within the EU.

We have set ourselves some goals for 2023. We are working on being able to significantly reduce shipping costs within the European Union so that more of our neighbors can enjoy our range. We are already working on our own shop to make it easier for you to buy your favorites.

Until then, we hope you enjoy your jewel orchids.

Golden rules for caring for jewel orchids

Jewel orchids are becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, more and more plant holders have warmed up to these mostly small gems. These include experienced orchid enthusiasts as well as plant lovers who have never cared for orchids before.
A great advantage of the ornamental leaf orchids, like our jewel orchids are also called, lies in their size.

This multi-page article answers many questions about the care of jewel orchids and will appear in the next issue of OrchideenZauber.

The series of articles started last year and sheds light on a wide range of aspects relating to our jewel orchids.

Our range of jewel orchids – part 3

Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’
Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’

Anoectochilus siamensis ‘Broadway’

Anoectochilus siamensis ‘White Trace’
Anoectochilus sikkimensis ‘Heartleaf’
The quality of the jewel orchids, very good packaging and the satisfaction of my customers are my top priorities.
Buyers of jewel orchids from all over the European Union regularly give me excellent ratings.

A report about Macodes sanderiana in OrchideenZauber

As there is little written information about jewel orchids, we started to gather information about these beauties and publish them in OrchideenZauber. This is one of a series of articles that will be published one by one.

Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land 1906 to 1909: Rudolf Schlechter is on the road in German New Guinea on behalf of the Colonial Economic Committee and takes the opportunity to introduce himself to his
favorite botanical specialty – the orchids. The orchideological yield of this research trip exceeds all his hopes, among the finds are also three newly discovered “leaf orchids” of the genus macodes. To date, these macodes species hardly known …

Find out more about this recommendable journal:

Our range of jewel orchids – part 2

All our jewels are potted in 9cm pots and are of a good size.

Anoectochilus lylei ‘Shy Deer’

Anoectochilus lylei ‘Marshmallow’

Anoectochilus chapaensis ‘Alberich’

Anoectochilus papuanus

Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’
I am proud of such reviews from my buyers of jewel orchids!

See all my reviews in my ebay shop:

Sea of love: Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’ is flowering

Our overwhelming Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’.

Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’ is one of the few South American jewel orchids commercially available. Its flowers may be small, but their special markings make them appealing and pretty.

Flowers, flowers, flowers. All Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’ are flowering at the same time.

Since the leaves of Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’ are also extremely attractive, this Goodyerinae can only be recommended. You can also find this beauty in our online shops.

Flower detail of Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’.

Our range of jewel orchids – part 1

Macodes petola ‘Malachit’

Macodes petola ‘Exotic Jungle’
Goodyera maliponensis ‘Yellow Sea’

Goodyera pusilla ‘Dreaming Track’
Goodyera viridiflora ‘Surprise’

Above shown and many more jewel orchids are available in our ebay-shop. Come in and find out!

Thank you so much! I hope all your jewel orchids are growing and thriving!

A report about Macodes petola in OrchideenZauber

First page of the Macodes petola report

There is not much printed information about our jewel orchids. The German language magazine OrchideenZauber by Dr. Jürgen Schmidt therefore pleasantly surprises with his current focus on jewel orchids. In the featured issue you will find an article on Macodes petola, one of the most commonly kept jewel orchids. Other articles on the subject of jewel orchids have already been published or will appear in future issues. A look at the OrchideenZauber homepage is definitely worthwhile.

Cover of issue 1 2022

Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’

Close-up of flowers of Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’

Anoectochilus albolineatus was also published as Anoectochilus reinwardtii Auct, non Bl. 1907. We obtained plants that were labeled as Anoectochilus albolineatus and one labeled as Anoectochilus reinwardtii and these plants were identical.

Side view.

As a forest plant it is found in Thailand, Malaysia and Myanmar. It prefers to grow in a granite or sandstone bedrock.

Look at these long hairlike lip-outgrowths. Number and shape are typical for Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’.

It grows in the shade in humus rich soil.

Foliage of Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend’.

You may order this jewel orchid directly from ebay or ebay Kleinanzeigen:

New jewel orchids in our ebay shop

Top row from left to right: Anoectochilus ‘Kossi’ , Anoectochilus sikkimensis ‘Heartleaf’, Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Golden Fleece’

Second row from left to right: Anoectochilus albolineatus ‘Ladies Best Friend, Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Dreamcatcher’, Anoectochilus lylei ‘Marshmallow, Anoectochilus lylei ‘Shy Deer’.

Bottom row from left to right: Aspidogyne argentea ‘Brazilian Delight’, Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Salmon Dream’, Macodes petola ‘Malachit’.
Top row from left to right: Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Esperança’, Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Belissima’, Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Regenbogenforelle’.

Second row from left to right: Anoectochilus siamensis x Dossinia marmorata, Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Fitebird’, Platythelys maculata ‘Spotlight’, Dossinodes ‘Charlot Teng’.

Bottom row from left to right: Macodes petola ‘Exotic Jungle, Goodyera pusilla ‘Dreaming Track’, Ludochilus Lacewing.
Top row from left to right: Goosyera maliponensis ‘Yellow Sea’, Anoectochilus siamensis ‘Broadway’, Anoectochilus roxburghii ‘Silver Mine’.

Second row from left to right: Anoectochilus formosanus ‘Milkyway’, Goodyera viridiflora ‘Surprise’.

Bottom row from left to right: Anoectochilus papuanus, Anoectochilus siamensis ‘White Trace’, Anoectochilus chapaensis ‘Alberich’.

My shop at ebay Kleinanzeigen. All my jewel orchids are offered here at reduced prices.

You may order these jewel orchids directly at ebay Kleinanzeigen:

Or you try my ebay shop:

Welcome to the world of jewel orchids at my ebay shop.

Buyers of jewel orchids from all over the European Union give me very good reviews.

Phaius leonidii

Phaius leonidii. First described by P.J. Cribb & J. Stone in 2017

Phaius leonidii belongs to the section Limatodes and is closely allied to Phaius mishmensis. In contrast to the latter flowers of Phaius leonidii open fully. Phaius leonidii grows in montane forests in deep shade in a range of 1700 to 1985 m.

This Phaius was named for Professor Leonid Averyanov

The type specimen was collected 2005 at the ridge of Ta Dung Mountain. The shown plant was collected by Bui Tien Dat, a vietnamese orchid enthusiast from the Minh Hoa district. In September 2020, a Vanilla species was named after him: Vanilla tiendatii.

Minh Ty NGUYEN et al. 2020: Vanilla tiendatii, a new climbing orchid from Vietnam. Taiwania 65(4): 438‒442.

Phaius leonidii was renamed in 2021 to Calanthe averyanoviana M.W.Chase, Christenh. & Schuit.

Dear Bui Tien Dat, thanks for sharing the pictures of your Phaius leonidii!

Phaius amboinensis, the first described Phaius species

Phaius amboinensis was described as Angraecum terrestre alterum by Georgius Everhardus Rumphius. His line drawing was published in 1750 in his Herbarium Amboinense.

On the right hand: Angraecum terrestre alterum was collected on the indonesian island Amboina (Maluku)

For a long time I wanted to show pictures of this rather large Phaius, and thanks to Didik Y. Suharyanto I can share the beauty of this Phaius with you. Didik Y. Suharyanto studied horticulture at the University of Brawijaya in Indonesia and now runs his own orchid nursery. He specialized in terrestric orchids, and among them Phaius amboinensis (Bletia amboinenis) blooms.

Can grow to a height of up to 100 cm

Inflorescences arise from the stem and bear 10 or more flowers. Phaius amboinensis belongs to section Limatodes and resembles in its habitus to Phaius wenshanensis and Phaius tonkinensis.

The spur can be hardly detected on this flower. According to literature it may have a lenght of 4 mm.
Flowers are up to 5 cm across and are odourless.

According to the latest nomenclature changes Phaius amboinensis Blume should now be called Calanthe amboinensis (Blume) M.W.Chase, Christenh. & Schuit.

Please refer to M.W. Chase et al. 2020. Expansion of Calanthe to include the species of CephalantheropsisGastrorchis and Phaius (Collabieae; Orchidaceae). Phytotaxa 472 (2): 159-168

Gastrophaius Carlise Rechmann shows its beauty

Gastrophaius Carlise Rechmann
Phaius tankervilleae x Gastrorchis George Fleurié

We registered Gastrophaius Carlise Rechmann 1st of January 2019. As our growing conditions were not optimal this hybrid took its time to flower the first time. Just look at the faint pink that decorates the sepals and petals! This colour is a heritage of the parental Phaius tankervilleae:

Flower opens at day 2
Side view of Gastrophaius Carlise Rechmann

Are these pictures of Phaius lyonii?

Judi Stone and Phillip Cribb could not find any pictures of Phaius lyonii for their Lady Tankerville’s Legacy. Therefore, the drawing of Judi Stone is the only illustrated reference to this philippine species. Duke Rudolph published 2016 in Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines pictures of a Phaius from Mount Isarog, Luzon. These pictures could be the first traced photos of Phaius lyonii as they seem to fit to the original publication:

Here is the link to the pictures on Facebook: